(773) 251-3588

Amy helps businesses launch new products or navigate emerging industries where government oversight and regulation drive transformation. Specializes in helping tackle complex business problems that otherwise cripple decision making while minimizing disruption, keeping employees engaged and maintaining momentum over the long term. Helps articulate and simplify issues and strategic options to optimize performance, manage change across all functions and organizational levels when a company faces regulatory or technology changes, merger/acquisition integration, crises, or rapid growth. Amy is successful due to the collaboration she has fostered and competencies acquired across many industries as new products or industries were coming online and as the nature of government oversight evolved. Amy blends professional frameworks and applies them to real-world business situations to deliver tangible results.
• Facilitates rapid and disruptive growth through Strategy Development and Business Transformation, Certified Scrum Master Agile Method
• Prioritizes, sequences and monitors initiatives through Project Portfolio Management
• Authority in Project and Program Management delivery and Operations
• Expert in Organizational Change Management
• Expertise in: Technology Implementation, Pre and Post- Merger Integration, Crisis Management, Divestitures, Rapid Organizational Growth, Process Re-engineering and Organization Redesign, Health Care and Financial Services risk operations where regulatory and compliance environments prevail
• Functional knowledge areas: Customer Service, Supply Chain Operations, Finance, Human Resources, Client Implementation, Marketing and Sales; Industries: Consumer & Industrial Products, Energy, Pharmacy Benefit Management, Retail Pharmacy, Health Insurance, Retail and Commercial Banking, Cannabis and Hemp Industries
• Previous Long-term assignments in: Asia, Europe, Middle East and South America
Feel free to contact me: (773) 251-3588 amysteinnathan@gmail.com
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